この試験は、SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligenceコンサルタントのために SAP NetWeaver Business
SAP NetWeaver 7.0
試験科目:SAP 「SAP Certified Application Associate - Business Intelligence with SAP NetWeaver 7.0」
NO.1 A BEx Analyzer workbook can be based on which of the following? (Choose three)
A. A Query
B. A Query view created with the BEx Analyzer
C. An InfoProvider
D. A BEx Report created with the Report Designer
Answer: A,B,C
SAP練習問題 C_TBW45_70認定資格 C_TBW45_70練習問題 C_TBW45_70認定試験 C_TBW45_70問題集
NO.2 If two queries are inserted into the same worksheet in a workbook, which of the following is a potential
A. The results for one query could affect the results for the other query.
B. The first query on the worksheet is the only query accessible by the user.
C. If the user drills down in the first query, the query result could possibly extend into the area occupied by
the second query.
D. The security settings of the first query would override the security settings of the second query.
Answer: C
SAP C_TBW45_70認定証 C_TBW45_70認証試験 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70過去問
NO.3 Valid BI source objects for the BEx Broadcaster include: (Choose three)
A. Queries
B. iViews
C. Workbooks
D. Value Sets
E. Reports created with the Report Designer
Answer: A,C,E
SAP問題集 C_TBW45_70認定試験 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70
NO.4 Your client is interested in the various formats used to distribute BI information. Which of the following
formats are available? (Choose three)
A. Precalculated XML file with separate MIME files.
B. Precalculated BEx Analyzer Workbooks.
C. Precalculated MHTML file.
D. Online links to current data.
E. Precalculated DOC file with separate MIME files.
Answer: B,C,D
SAP練習問題 C_TBW45_70認定資格 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70問題集 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70
NO.5 Why are variables used in queries? (Choose three)
A. To limit the scope of a report and improve performance.
B. To improve the reliability of the results.
C. To limit the scope of a report and make it more targeted to a user or group of users.
D. To reduce the number of query definitions by having one query satisfy the needs of many users.
Answer: A,C,D
SAP参考書 C_TBW45_70参考書 C_TBW45_70認証試験 C_TBW45_70練習問題
NO.6 Valid BEx Broadcaster distribution types include: (Choose two)
A. Archive object
B. Email
C. CSV file
D. Printer
Answer: B,D
SAP認定資格 C_TBW45_70認定資格 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70認定証 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70
NO.7 The design mode of the BEx Analyzer allows you to: (Choose two)
A. Add your own navigation controls such as drop down lists and check boxes.
B. Add in your own broadcast scheduling options so users receive the workbook by email and in their SAP
NetWeaver Portal role.
C. Insert results from other data providers into the same workbook.
D. Access a toolbox of predefined macros that can automate common tasks.
Answer: A,C
SAP C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70
NO.8 Which of the following statements best describe the benefit of using data bursting as a broadcasting
distribution type? Data Bursting: (Choose two)
A. Allows you to broadcast report results to large numbers of non-SAP users via email.
B. Provides an easy way to improve the performance of all web-based BEx reports.
C. Provides an effective way to manage security across all BEx reports.
D. Allows you to broadcast user-specific results based on master data.
Answer: A,D
SAP C_TBW45_70参考書 C_TBW45_70認定証 C_TBW45_70問題集
NO.9 Characteristic value variables...
A. ...are created in the query definition and are therefore only available in that query definition.
B. ...are created for a characteristic in the query definition and are available for all query definitions of the
same InfoProvider.
C. ...are created for a characteristic in the query definition and are available for all query definitions of
InfoProviders containing this characteristic.
D. ...can be created for global use on an InfoProvider level, and can be created for local use in the query
Answer: C
SAP C_TBW45_70認証試験 C_TBW45_70過去問 C_TBW45_70練習問題
NO.10 One of your customers needs to know the BEx Broadcaster options for sending static snap-shots of
data. What would you tell them? (Choose three)
A. For workbooks, send as E-Mail as a Zip File.
B. For a web template, send as 'Independent HTML File'.
C. For a web template, send as 'HTML with Separate MIME Files' as a Zip File.
D. For a web template, send as an 'Online Link'.
Answer: A,B,C
SAP C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70認定証
NO.11 The APD (Analysis Process Designer) in SAP NetWeaver BI provides a mechanism for reading data
from a source and then transferring the analytical results back out to a data target. In this scenario, which
of the following are possible data targets of the APD? (Choose two)
A. Standard DataStore Objects
B. VirtualProviders
C. Meta Data Repository
D. DataStore Objects for direct update
E. InfoObject master data tables
Answer: D,E
SAP問題集 C_TBW45_70認定資格 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70練習問題 C_TBW45_70
NO.12 Which of the following statements regarding BEx Query Designer are correct? (Choose three)
A. Before defining a formula, you must ensure you have already created any restricted key figures that will
be referenced in the formula.
B. You can only drag and drop multiple characteristics into the query definition if they come from the same
C. You can save a query that contains errors.
D. If a query contains errors, the system provides information to help you correct them, including menu
options that may be suitable.
E. You can maintain many of the properties of multiple characteristics or key figures simultaneously.
Answer: C,D,E
SAP C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70
NO.13 Which of the following are valid navigation steps in reporting in SAP NetWeaver BI? (Choose three)
A. Swap one characteristic with another.
B. Filter on a specific characteristic value.
C. Return to Start.
D. Sum and Filter.
Answer: A,B,C
SAP C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70認証試験 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70
NO.14 Where can variables be created? (Choose two)
A. In the query definition where they are needed.
B. In the BEx Web Application Designer, in the "Data Provider" field.
C. While using a web browser to view query results.
D. When defining exceptions and conditions.
Answer: A,D
SAP C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70参考書 C_TBW45_70認定資格
NO.15 Organizations that are 'data rich, but information poor' might gain from the business knowledge
discovered through data mining. Which of the following are true regarding data mining? (Choose three)
A. Clustering is a data mining method.
B. Data mining is an analytical approach that looks for hidden information patterns in large databases.
C. Data mining can easily analyze historical information, but is unable to predict future trends.
D. Regression analysis is a data mining method.
E. ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading) is a data mining method.
Answer: A,B,D
SAP認定試験 C_TBW45_70認定証 C_TBW45_70参考書 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70認定証
Pass4Testは最新の000-656試験問題集と高品質のC-TFIN52-64認定試験の問題と回答を提供します。Pass4Testの70-465 VCEテストエンジンとEX0-118試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質の642-427トレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。
この試験は、SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligenceコンサルタントのために SAP NetWeaver Business
SAP NetWeaver 7.0
試験科目:SAP 「SAP Certified Application Associate - Business Intelligence with SAP NetWeaver 7.0」
NO.1 A BEx Analyzer workbook can be based on which of the following? (Choose three)
A. A Query
B. A Query view created with the BEx Analyzer
C. An InfoProvider
D. A BEx Report created with the Report Designer
Answer: A,B,C
SAP練習問題 C_TBW45_70認定資格 C_TBW45_70練習問題 C_TBW45_70認定試験 C_TBW45_70問題集
NO.2 If two queries are inserted into the same worksheet in a workbook, which of the following is a potential
A. The results for one query could affect the results for the other query.
B. The first query on the worksheet is the only query accessible by the user.
C. If the user drills down in the first query, the query result could possibly extend into the area occupied by
the second query.
D. The security settings of the first query would override the security settings of the second query.
Answer: C
SAP C_TBW45_70認定証 C_TBW45_70認証試験 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70過去問
NO.3 Valid BI source objects for the BEx Broadcaster include: (Choose three)
A. Queries
B. iViews
C. Workbooks
D. Value Sets
E. Reports created with the Report Designer
Answer: A,C,E
SAP問題集 C_TBW45_70認定試験 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70
NO.4 Your client is interested in the various formats used to distribute BI information. Which of the following
formats are available? (Choose three)
A. Precalculated XML file with separate MIME files.
B. Precalculated BEx Analyzer Workbooks.
C. Precalculated MHTML file.
D. Online links to current data.
E. Precalculated DOC file with separate MIME files.
Answer: B,C,D
SAP練習問題 C_TBW45_70認定資格 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70問題集 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70
NO.5 Why are variables used in queries? (Choose three)
A. To limit the scope of a report and improve performance.
B. To improve the reliability of the results.
C. To limit the scope of a report and make it more targeted to a user or group of users.
D. To reduce the number of query definitions by having one query satisfy the needs of many users.
Answer: A,C,D
SAP参考書 C_TBW45_70参考書 C_TBW45_70認証試験 C_TBW45_70練習問題
NO.6 Valid BEx Broadcaster distribution types include: (Choose two)
A. Archive object
B. Email
C. CSV file
D. Printer
Answer: B,D
SAP認定資格 C_TBW45_70認定資格 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70認定証 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70
NO.7 The design mode of the BEx Analyzer allows you to: (Choose two)
A. Add your own navigation controls such as drop down lists and check boxes.
B. Add in your own broadcast scheduling options so users receive the workbook by email and in their SAP
NetWeaver Portal role.
C. Insert results from other data providers into the same workbook.
D. Access a toolbox of predefined macros that can automate common tasks.
Answer: A,C
SAP C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70
NO.8 Which of the following statements best describe the benefit of using data bursting as a broadcasting
distribution type? Data Bursting: (Choose two)
A. Allows you to broadcast report results to large numbers of non-SAP users via email.
B. Provides an easy way to improve the performance of all web-based BEx reports.
C. Provides an effective way to manage security across all BEx reports.
D. Allows you to broadcast user-specific results based on master data.
Answer: A,D
SAP C_TBW45_70参考書 C_TBW45_70認定証 C_TBW45_70問題集
NO.9 Characteristic value variables...
A. ...are created in the query definition and are therefore only available in that query definition.
B. ...are created for a characteristic in the query definition and are available for all query definitions of the
same InfoProvider.
C. ...are created for a characteristic in the query definition and are available for all query definitions of
InfoProviders containing this characteristic.
D. ...can be created for global use on an InfoProvider level, and can be created for local use in the query
Answer: C
SAP C_TBW45_70認証試験 C_TBW45_70過去問 C_TBW45_70練習問題
NO.10 One of your customers needs to know the BEx Broadcaster options for sending static snap-shots of
data. What would you tell them? (Choose three)
A. For workbooks, send as E-Mail as a Zip File.
B. For a web template, send as 'Independent HTML File'.
C. For a web template, send as 'HTML with Separate MIME Files' as a Zip File.
D. For a web template, send as an 'Online Link'.
Answer: A,B,C
SAP C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70認定証
NO.11 The APD (Analysis Process Designer) in SAP NetWeaver BI provides a mechanism for reading data
from a source and then transferring the analytical results back out to a data target. In this scenario, which
of the following are possible data targets of the APD? (Choose two)
A. Standard DataStore Objects
B. VirtualProviders
C. Meta Data Repository
D. DataStore Objects for direct update
E. InfoObject master data tables
Answer: D,E
SAP問題集 C_TBW45_70認定資格 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70練習問題 C_TBW45_70
NO.12 Which of the following statements regarding BEx Query Designer are correct? (Choose three)
A. Before defining a formula, you must ensure you have already created any restricted key figures that will
be referenced in the formula.
B. You can only drag and drop multiple characteristics into the query definition if they come from the same
C. You can save a query that contains errors.
D. If a query contains errors, the system provides information to help you correct them, including menu
options that may be suitable.
E. You can maintain many of the properties of multiple characteristics or key figures simultaneously.
Answer: C,D,E
SAP C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70
NO.13 Which of the following are valid navigation steps in reporting in SAP NetWeaver BI? (Choose three)
A. Swap one characteristic with another.
B. Filter on a specific characteristic value.
C. Return to Start.
D. Sum and Filter.
Answer: A,B,C
SAP C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70認証試験 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70
NO.14 Where can variables be created? (Choose two)
A. In the query definition where they are needed.
B. In the BEx Web Application Designer, in the "Data Provider" field.
C. While using a web browser to view query results.
D. When defining exceptions and conditions.
Answer: A,D
SAP C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70参考書 C_TBW45_70認定資格
NO.15 Organizations that are 'data rich, but information poor' might gain from the business knowledge
discovered through data mining. Which of the following are true regarding data mining? (Choose three)
A. Clustering is a data mining method.
B. Data mining is an analytical approach that looks for hidden information patterns in large databases.
C. Data mining can easily analyze historical information, but is unable to predict future trends.
D. Regression analysis is a data mining method.
E. ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading) is a data mining method.
Answer: A,B,D
SAP認定試験 C_TBW45_70認定証 C_TBW45_70参考書 C_TBW45_70 C_TBW45_70認定証
Pass4Testは最新の000-656試験問題集と高品質のC-TFIN52-64認定試験の問題と回答を提供します。Pass4Testの70-465 VCEテストエンジンとEX0-118試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質の642-427トレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。
SAP C_HANAIMP151認定試験に対する素晴らし問題集
SAP C_HANAIMP151認定試験に対する素晴らし問題集
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