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信用のあるCloudera CCA-500認定試験の問題集


Pass4Testあなたに 最高のClouderaのCCA-500試験問題集を提供して差し上げます。あなたを成功への道に引率します。Pass4TestのClouderaのCCA-500試験トレーニング資料は試験の準備をしているあなたにヘルプを与えます。当社の資料はあなたがIT専門家になるように特別に受験生の皆さんのために作成したものです。Pass4TestのClouderaのCCA-500試験トレーニング資料はあなたに最も適用して、あなたのニーズを満たす資料です。はやくPass4Testのサイトを登録してくだい。きっと棚ぼたがありますよ。

多くのClouderaのCCA-500認定試験を準備している受験生がいろいろなCCA-500「Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop (CCAH)」認証試験についてサービスを提供するサイトオンラインがみつけたがPass4TestはIT業界トップの専門家が研究した参考材料で権威性が高く、品質の高い教育資料で、一回に参加する受験者も合格するのを確保いたします。

試験科目:「Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop (CCAH)」
問題と解答:全60問 CCA-500 前提条件




NO.1 Your company stores user profile records in an OLTP databases. You want to join these records
with web server logs you have already ingested into the Hadoop file system. What is the best way to
obtain and ingest these user records?
A. Ingest with Hadoop streaming
B. Ingest using Hive's IQAD DATA command
C. Ingest with sqoop import
D. Ingest with Pig's LOAD command
E. Ingest using the HDFS put command
Answer: C

Cloudera日本語 CCA-500攻略 CCA-500試験過去問

NO.2 During the execution of a MapReduce v2 (MRv2) job on YARN, where does the Mapper place
the intermediate data of each Map Task?
A. The Mapper stores the intermediate data on the node running the Job's ApplicationMaster so that
it is available to YARN ShuffleService before the data is presented to the Reducer
B. The Mapper stores the intermediate data in HDFS on the node where the Map tasks ran in the
HDFS /usercache/&(user)/apache/application_&(appid) directory for the user who ran the job
C. The Mapper transfers the intermediate data immediately to the reducers as it is generated by the
Map Task
D. YARN holds the intermediate data in the NodeManager's memory (a container) until it is
transferred to the Reducer
E. The Mapper stores the intermediate data on the underlying filesystem of the local disk in the
directories yarn.nodemanager.locak-DIFS
Answer: E

Cloudera無料 CCA-500真実試験 CCA-500暗記カード CCA-500関連資料 CCA-500教科書

NO.3 You are running a Hadoop cluster with MapReduce version 2 (MRv2) on YARN. You consistently
see that MapReduce map tasks on your cluster are running slowly because of excessive garbage
collection of JVM, how do you increase JVM heap size property to 3GB to optimize performance?
A. yarn.application.child.java.opts=-Xsx3072m
B. yarn.application.child.java.opts=-Xmx3072m
C. mapreduce.map.java.opts=-Xms3072m
D. mapreduce.map.java.opts=-Xmx3072m
Answer: C

Cloudera段階 CCA-500プログラム CCA-500キャッシュ
Reference: http://hortonworks.com/blog/how-to-plan-and-configure-yarn-in-hdp-2-0/

NO.4 Which YARN daemon or service monitors a Controller's per-application resource using (e.g.,
memory CPU)?
A. ApplicationMaster
B. NodeManager
C. ApplicationManagerService
D. ResourceManager
Answer: A

Cloudera試験時間 CCA-500模擬試験 CCA-500真実試験

NO.5 Which scheduler would you deploy to ensure that your cluster allows short jobs to finish within
a reasonable time without starting long-running jobs?
A. Complexity Fair Scheduler (CFS)
B. Capacity Scheduler
C. Fair Scheduler
D. FIFO Scheduler
Answer: C

Cloudera勉強法 CCA-500正確率 CCA-500合格体験談 CCA-500
Reference: http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.2.1/fair_scheduler.html

NO.6 You are working on a project where you need to chain together MapReduce, Pig jobs. You also
need the ability to use forks, decision points, and path joins. Which ecosystem project should you use
to perform these actions?
A. Oozie
B. ZooKeeper
C. HBase
D. Sqoop
Answer: A

Cloudera技術試験 CCA-500取得 CCA-500サンプル CCA-500オフィシャル

Pass4Testは最新のC2010-659試験問題集と高品質の70-687認定試験の問題と回答を提供します。Pass4TestのPR000007 VCEテストエンジンとC2040-423試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質のN10-005トレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。


Posted by passfortest at 10:33Comments(0)Cloudera


Cloudera CCA-500認定試験の準備をすれば勉強方法を教える




試験科目:「Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop (CCAH)」
問題と解答:全60問 CCA-500 認定資格






NO.1 You need to analyze 60,000,000 images stored in JPEG format, each of which is approximately
25 KB. Because you Hadoop cluster isn't optimized for storing and processing many small files, you
decide to do the following actions:
1.Group the individual images into a set of larger files
2.Use the set of larger files as input for a MapReduce job that processes them directly with python
using Hadoop streaming.
Which data serialization system gives the flexibility to do this?
D. Avro
E. SequenceFiles
Answer: E

Cloudera CCA-500 CCA-500資格取得講座
Sequence files are block-compressed and provide direct serialization and deserialization of several
arbitrary data types (not just text). Sequence files can be generated as the output of other
MapReduce tasks and are an efficient intermediate representation for data that is passing from one
MapReduce job to anther.

NO.2 You are migrating a cluster from MApReduce version 1 (MRv1) to MapReduce version 2 (MRv2)
on YARN. You want to maintain your MRv1 TaskTracker slot capacities when you
migrate. What should you do/
A. Configure yarn.applicationmaster.resource.memory-mb and yarn.applicationmaster.resource.cpu-
vcores so that ApplicationMaster container allocations match the capacity you require.
B. You don't need to configure or balance these properties in YARN as YARN dynamically balances
resource management capabilities on your cluster
C. Configure mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum and
mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum ub yarn-site.xml to match your cluster's capacity set by
the yarn-scheduler.minimum-allocation
D. Configure yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb and yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores
to match the capacity you require under YARN for each NodeManager
Answer: D

Cloudera参考書勉強 CCA-500 CCA-500訓練 CCA-500模擬

NO.3 A slave node in your cluster has 4 TB hard drives installed (4 x 2TB). The DataNode is configured
to store HDFS blocks on all disks. You set the value of the dfs.datanode.du.reserved parameter to 100
GB. How does this alter HDFS block storage?
A. 25GB on each hard drive may not be used to store HDFS blocks
B. 100GB on each hard drive may not be used to store HDFS blocks
C. All hard drives may be used to store HDFS blocks as long as at least 100 GB in total is available on
the node
D. A maximum if 100 GB on each hard drive may be used to store HDFS blocks
Answer: D

Clouderaディレクトリ同期 CCA-500 CCA-500 CCA-500教本

NO.4 Identify two features/issues that YARN is designated to address:
A. Standardize on a single MapReduce API
B. Single point of failure in the NameNode
C. Reduce complexity of the MapReduce APIs
D. Resource pressure on the JobTracker
E. Ability to run framework other than MapReduce, such as MPI
F. HDFS latency
Answer: D,E

Cloudera教育資料 CCA-500バージョン CCA-500書籍 CCA-500書籍
Reference: http://www.revelytix.com/?q=content/hadoop-ecosystem (YARN, first para)

NO.5 You have a cluster running with the fair Scheduler enabled. There are currently no jobs running
on the cluster, and you submit a job A, so that only job A is running on the cluster. A while later, you
submit Job B. now Job A and Job B are running on the cluster at the same time. How will the Fair
Scheduler handle these two jobs?
A. When Job B gets submitted, it will get assigned tasks, while job A continues to run with fewer
B. When Job B gets submitted, Job A has to finish first, before job B can gets scheduled.
C. When Job A gets submitted, it doesn't consumes all the task slots.
D. When Job A gets submitted, it consumes all the task slots.
Answer: B

Cloudera CCA-500参考書 CCA-500開発入門

NO.6 You want to understand more about how users browse your public website. For example, you
want to know which pages they visit prior to placing an order. You have a server farm of 200 web
servers hosting your website. Which is the most efficient process to gather these web server across
logs into your Hadoop cluster analysis?
A. Sample the web server logs web servers and copy them into HDFS using curl
B. Ingest the server web logs into HDFS using Flume
C. Channel these clickstreams into Hadoop using Hadoop Streaming
D. Import all user clicks from your OLTP databases into Hadoop using Sqoop
E. Write a MapReeeduce job with the web servers for mappers and the Hadoop cluster nodes for
Answer: B

Cloudera入門 CCA-500資格問題集 CCA-500資格認定
Apache Flume is a service for streaming logs into Hadoop. Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and
available service for efficiently collecting,aggregating, and moving large amounts of streaming data
into the Hadoop Distributed FileSystem (HDFS). It has a simple and flexible architecture based on
streaming data flows;and is robust and fault tolerant with tunable reliability mechanisms for failover
and recovery.

NO.7 You decide to create a cluster which runs HDFS in High Availability mode with automatic
failover, using Quorum Storage. What is the purpose of ZooKeeper in such a configuration?
A. It only keeps track of which NameNode is Active at any given time
B. It monitors an NFS mount point and reports if the mount point disappears
C. It both keeps track of which NameNode is Active at any given time, and manages the Edits file.
Which is a log of changes to the HDFS filesystem
D. If only manages the Edits file, which is log of changes to the HDFS filesystem
E. Clients connect to ZooKeeper to determine which NameNode is Active
Answer: A

Cloudera最新試験 CCA-500試験対策 CCA-500テスト問題集 CCA-500日本語版と英語版 CCA-500予想試験 CCA-500過去
Reference: http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera-
content/clouderadocs/CDH4/latest/PDF/CDH4-High-Availability-Guide.pdf (page 15)

NO.8 Assume you have a file named foo.txt in your local directory. You issue the following three
Hadoop fs -mkdir input
Hadoop fs -put foo.txt input/foo.txt
Hadoop fs -put foo.txt input
What happens when you issue the third command?
A. The write succeeds, overwriting foo.txt in HDFS with no warning
B. The file is uploaded and stored as a plain file named input
C. You get a warning that foo.txt is being overwritten
D. You get an error message telling you that foo.txt already exists, and asking you if you would like to
overwrite it.
E. You get a error message telling you that foo.txt already exists. The file is not written to HDFS
F. You get an error message telling you that input is not a directory
G. The write silently fails
Answer: C,E

Cloudera英語版 CCA-500 CCA-500返金 CCA-500変更

Pass4Testは最新のMSC-235試験問題集と高品質のPEGACBAV6.3認定試験の問題と回答を提供します。Pass4TestのM70-301 VCEテストエンジンとC2040-417試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質のHP2-B105トレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。


Posted by passfortest at 12:54Comments(0)Cloudera


注目のCloudera CCA-410認定試験の資格を取得しよう

Cloudera Apache Hadoop 認定管理者 CDH4 試験 (CCA-410)
CCAH (Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop) CDH4 (CCA-410)認定資格を取得するには、下記の試験に合格する必要があります。

試験名: Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop CDH4 (CCA-410)
問題数: 60
試験時間: 90分
合格要件: 70%以上
言語: 英語、日本語
価格: 28,500円, USD $295, AUD $300, EUR €215, GBP £185
Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop CCA-410 は以下に挙げる分野において求められるコンセプトの十分な理解、スキルに関する試験に合格する必要があります。

HDFS (38%)
Apacheクラスタのデータストレージとデータ処理におけるデーモンと一般的な操作。Apache Hadoopのようなシステムのきっかけとなった現代の計算処理システムの機能。
HDS HA(高可用性)
MapReduce (10%)
MapReduceのコアコンセプトとMapReduce v2(MRv2 / YARN)
Apache Hadoopクラスタの計画 (12%)
Apache Hadoopクラスターをホストするためのハードウェアとオペレーティングシステムの選択における重要な考慮点。
Apache Hadoopクラスタのインストールと管理 (17%)
クラスターはディスクおよびマシンの障害を処理することについての理解。モニタリングとApache Hadoopファイルシステムの管理に使用する一般的なツール。
リソース管理 (6%)
監視とロギング (6%)
Apache Hadoopのロギングとモニタリングシステムの機能と特徴について。
エコシステム (5%)



試験科目:「Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop CDH4」
問題と解答:全97問 CCA-410 リンクグローバル


CCA-410認定試験の準備をするために、Pass4Test の専門家たちは彼らの豊富な知識と実践を生かして特別なトレーニング資料を研究しました。Pass4Test のClouderaのCCA-410問題集はあなたが楽に試験に受かることを助けます。Pass4Test のClouderaのCCA-410練習テストはCCA-410試験問題と解答、 CCA-410 問題集、CCA-410 書籍やCCA-410勉強ガイドに含まれています。



NO.1 Which two updates occur when a client application opens a stream to begin a file write on a
cluster running MapReduce v1 (MRv1)?
A. Once the write stream closes on the DataNode, the DataNode immediately initiates a black
report to the NameNode.
B. The change is written to the NameNode disk.
C. The metadata in the RAM on the NameNode is flushed to disk.
D. The metadata in RAM on the NameNode is flushed disk.
E. The metadata in RAM on the NameNode is updated.
F. The change is written to the edits file.
Answer: E,F

Cloudera試験解答 CCA-410認証試験 CCA-410実際試験

NO.2 How does the NameNode know DataNodes are available on a cluster running MapReduce v1
A. DataNodes listed in the dfs.hosts file. The NameNode uses as the definitive list of available
B. DataNodes heartbeat in the master on a regular basis.
C. The NameNode broadcasts a heartbeat on the network on a regular basis, and DataNodes
D. The NameNode send a broadcast across the network when it first starts, and DataNodes
Answer: B

Cloudera無料更新 CCA-410受験期 CCA-410試験内容 CCA-410費用

NO.3 For a MapReduce job, on a cluster running MapReduce v1 (MRv1), what's the relationship
between tasks and task templates?
A. There are always at least as many task attempts as there are tasks.
B. There are always at most as many tasks attempts as there are tasks.
C. There are always exactly as many task attempts as there are tasks.
D. The developer sets the number of task attempts on job submission.
Answer: A

Cloudera組織 CCA-410 CCA-410 CCA-410 CCA-410短期

NO.4 What action occurs automatically on a cluster when a DataNode is marked as dead?
A. The NameNode forces re-replication of all the blocks which were stored on the dead DataNode.
B. The next time a client submits job that requires blocks from the dead DataNode, the JobTracker
receives no heart beats from the DataNode. The JobTracker tells the NameNode that the DataNode
is dead, which triggers block re-replication on the cluster.
C. The replication factor of the files which had blocks stored on the dead DataNode is temporarily
reduced, until the dead DataNode is recovered and returned to the cluster.
D. The NameNode informs the client which write the blocks that are no longer available; the client
then re-writes the blocks to a different DataNode.
Answer: A

Clouderaトレーニング費用 CCA-410学校 CCA-410問題と解答 CCA-410勉強法学校

NO.5 Which three distcp features can you utilize on a Hadoop cluster?
A. Use distcp to copy files only between two clusters or more. You cannot use distcp to copy data
between directories inside the same cluster.
B. Use distcp to copy HBase table files.
C. Use distcp to copy physical blocks from the source to the target destination in your cluster.
D. Use distcp to copy data between directories inside the same cluster.
E. Use distcp to run an internal MapReduce job to copy files.
Answer: B,D,E

Cloudera明細カテゴリ CCA-410科目 CCA-410関節 CCA-410問題集

NO.6 How does HDFS Federation help HDFS Scale horizontally?
A. HDFS Federation improves the resiliency of HDFS in the face of network issues by removing the
NameNode as a single-point-of-failure.
B. HDFS Federation allows the Standby NameNode to automatically resume the services of an active
C. HDFS Federation provides cross-data center (non-local) support for HDFS, allowing a cluster
administrator to split the Block Storage outside the local cluster.
D. HDFS Federation reduces the load on any single NameNode by using the multiple, independent
NameNode to manage individual pars of the filesystem namespace.
Answer: D

Cloudera CCA-410成果物 CCA-410書籍

NO.7 Choose which best describe a Hadoop cluster's block size storage parameters once you set the
HDFS default block size to 64MB?
A. The block size of files in the cluster can be determined as the block is written.
B. The block size of files in the Cluster will all be multiples of 64MB.
C. The block size of files in the duster will all at least be 64MB.
D. The block size of files in the cluster will all be the exactly 64MB.
Answer: D

Cloudera CCA-410好評 CCA-410復習資料

Pass4Testは最新の010-151試験問題集と高品質のPR000041認定試験の問題と回答を提供します。Pass4TestのC4040-122 VCEテストエンジンと70-337試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質の74-325トレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。


Posted by passfortest at 12:36Comments(0)Cloudera


Cloudera CCA-410認定資格を取得できる試験参考書

ClouderaのCCA-410認定試験の最新教育資料はPass4Testの専門チームが研究し続けてついに登場し、多くの人の夢が実現させることができます。今のIT業界の中で、自分の地位を固めたくて知識と情報技術を証明したいのもっとも良い方法がClouderaのCCA-410認定試験でございます。がClouderaのCCA-410「Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop CDH4」認定試験の合格書を取ったら仕事の上で大きな変化をもたらします。

Pass4Testあなたに 最高のClouderaのCCA-410試験問題集を提供して差し上げます。あなたを成功への道に引率します。Pass4TestのClouderaのCCA-410試験トレーニング資料は試験の準備をしているあなたにヘルプを与えます。当社の資料はあなたがIT専門家になるように特別に受験生の皆さんのために作成したものです。Pass4TestのClouderaのCCA-410試験トレーニング資料はあなたに最も適用して、あなたのニーズを満たす資料です。はやくPass4Testのサイトを登録してくだい。きっと棚ぼたがありますよ。

今競争の激しいIT業界で地位を固めたいですが、Cloudera CCA-410認証試験に合格しなければなりません。IT業界ではさらに強くなるために強い専門知識が必要です。Cloudera CCA-410認証試験に合格することが簡単ではなくて、Cloudera CCA-410証明書は君にとってはIT業界に入るの一つの手づるになるかもしれません。しかし必ずしも大量の時間とエネルギーで復習しなくて、弊社が丹精にできあがった問題集を使って、試験なんて問題ではありません。




試験科目:「Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop CDH4」
問題と解答:全97問 CCA-410 受験記対策



NO.1 Choose which best describe a Hadoop cluster's block size storage parameters once you set the
HDFS default block size to 64MB?
A. The block size of files in the cluster can be determined as the block is written.
B. The block size of files in the Cluster will all be multiples of 64MB.
C. The block size of files in the duster will all at least be 64MB.
D. The block size of files in the cluster will all be the exactly 64MB.
Answer: D

Cloudera認定証 CCA-410 CCA-410練習 CCA-410費用 CCA-410講座

NO.2 What action occurs automatically on a cluster when a DataNode is marked as dead?
A. The NameNode forces re-replication of all the blocks which were stored on the dead DataNode.
B. The next time a client submits job that requires blocks from the dead DataNode, the JobTracker
receives no heart beats from the DataNode. The JobTracker tells the NameNode that the DataNode
is dead, which triggers block re-replication on the cluster.
C. The replication factor of the files which had blocks stored on the dead DataNode is temporarily
reduced, until the dead DataNode is recovered and returned to the cluster.
D. The NameNode informs the client which write the blocks that are no longer available; the client
then re-writes the blocks to a different DataNode.
Answer: A

Cloudera独学 CCA-410 CCA-410 vue CCA-410合格率 CCA-410認定資格

NO.3 Which two updates occur when a client application opens a stream to begin a file write on a
cluster running MapReduce v1 (MRv1)?
A. Once the write stream closes on the DataNode, the DataNode immediately initiates a black
report to the NameNode.
B. The change is written to the NameNode disk.
C. The metadata in the RAM on the NameNode is flushed to disk.
D. The metadata in RAM on the NameNode is flushed disk.
E. The metadata in RAM on the NameNode is updated.
F. The change is written to the edits file.
Answer: E,F

Cloudera CCA-410 CCA-410難易度 CCA-410番号

NO.4 How does the NameNode know DataNodes are available on a cluster running MapReduce v1
A. DataNodes listed in the dfs.hosts file. The NameNode uses as the definitive list of available
B. DataNodes heartbeat in the master on a regular basis.
C. The NameNode broadcasts a heartbeat on the network on a regular basis, and DataNodes
D. The NameNode send a broadcast across the network when it first starts, and DataNodes
Answer: B

Cloudera認定 CCA-410難易度 CCA-410 CCA-410

NO.5 For a MapReduce job, on a cluster running MapReduce v1 (MRv1), what's the relationship
between tasks and task templates?
A. There are always at least as many task attempts as there are tasks.
B. There are always at most as many tasks attempts as there are tasks.
C. There are always exactly as many task attempts as there are tasks.
D. The developer sets the number of task attempts on job submission.
Answer: A

Cloudera認証試験 CCA-410試験 CCA-410教本 CCA-410対策 CCA-410問題

NO.6 Which three distcp features can you utilize on a Hadoop cluster?
A. Use distcp to copy files only between two clusters or more. You cannot use distcp to copy data
between directories inside the same cluster.
B. Use distcp to copy HBase table files.
C. Use distcp to copy physical blocks from the source to the target destination in your cluster.
D. Use distcp to copy data between directories inside the same cluster.
E. Use distcp to run an internal MapReduce job to copy files.
Answer: B,D,E

Cloudera一発合格 CCA-410 CCA-410模擬 CCA-410過去 CCA-410科目

NO.7 How does HDFS Federation help HDFS Scale horizontally?
A. HDFS Federation improves the resiliency of HDFS in the face of network issues by removing the
NameNode as a single-point-of-failure.
B. HDFS Federation allows the Standby NameNode to automatically resume the services of an active
C. HDFS Federation provides cross-data center (non-local) support for HDFS, allowing a cluster
administrator to split the Block Storage outside the local cluster.
D. HDFS Federation reduces the load on any single NameNode by using the multiple, independent
NameNode to manage individual pars of the filesystem namespace.
Answer: D

Clouderaフリーク CCA-410科目 CCA-410問題集 CCA-410 CCA-410教科書

Pass4Testは最新のMOPF試験問題集と高品質のHP2-N46認定試験の問題と回答を提供します。Pass4Testの70-480 VCEテストエンジンと70-342試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質のP2090-080トレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。


Posted by passfortest at 12:21Comments(0)Cloudera


Cloudera CCA-500認証試験の問題集のサンプルを参考しよう

君はほかのサイトや書籍もブラウズ するがもしれませんが、弊社の関連の学習資料と比較してからPass4Testの商品の範囲が広くてまたネット上でダウンロードを発見してしまいました。Pass4Testだけ全面と高品質の問題集があるのではPass4Testの専門家チームが彼らの長年のIT知識と豊富な経験で研究してしました。そして、Pass4Testに多くの受験生の歓迎されます。

Pass4Test ClouderaのCCA-500試験資料は特別にデザインされたもので、IT領域のエリートが組み立てられた強い団体が受験生の皆様に向いて研究した資料です。認証試験に合格したら、あなたはIT領域で国際的な価値を表すことができます。Pass4Testには多くのダンプおよびトレーニング資料のサプライヤーがありますから、あなたが試験に受かることを保証します。Pass4Testは事実を通じて話しますから、奇跡が現れるときに我々が言ったすべての言葉を証明できます。




試験科目:「Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop (CCAH)」
問題と解答:全60問 CCA-500 資格認定



NO.1 You observed that the number of spilled records from Map tasks far exceeds the number of
map output records. Your child heap size is 1GB and your io.sort.mb value is set to 1000MB. How
would you tune your io.sort.mb value to achieve maximum memory to disk I/O ratio?
A. For a 1GB child heap size an io.sort.mb of 128 MB will always maximize memory to disk I/O
B. Increase the io.sort.mb to 1GB
C. Decrease the io.sort.mb value to 0
D. Tune the io.sort.mb value until you observe that the number of spilled records equals (or is as
close to equals) the number of map output records.
Answer: D

Cloudera試験 CCA-500フリーク CCA-500費用 CCA-500問題

NO.2 You are planning a Hadoop cluster and considering implementing 10 Gigabit Ethernet as the
network fabric.
Which workloads benefit the most from faster network fabric?
A. When your workload generates a large amount of output data, significantly larger than the
amount of intermediate data
B. When your workload consumes a large amount of input data, relative to the entire capacity if
C. When your workload consists of processor-intensive tasks
D. When your workload generates a large amount of intermediate data, on the order of the input
data itself
Answer: A

Cloudera試験 CCA-500教本 CCA-500攻略 CCA-500練習問題 CCA-500種類

NO.3 You have installed a cluster HDFS and MapReduce version 2 (MRv2) on YARN. You have no
dfs.hosts entry(ies) in your hdfs-site.xml configuration file. You configure a new worker node by
setting fs.default.name in its configuration files to point to the NameNode on your cluster, and you
start the DataNode daemon on that worker node. What do you have to do on the cluster to allow
the worker node to join, and start sorting HDFS blocks?
A. Without creating a dfs.hosts file or making any entries, run the commands
hadoop.dfsadmin-refreshModes on the NameNode
B. Restart the NameNode
C. Creating a dfs.hosts file on the NameNode, add the worker Node's name to it, then issue the
command hadoop dfsadmin -refresh Nodes = on the Namenode
D. Nothing; the worker node will automatically join the cluster when NameNode daemon is started
Answer: A

Cloudera参考書 CCA-500テスト CCA-500 CCA-500対策

NO.4 On a cluster running MapReduce v2 (MRv2) on YARN, a MapReduce job is given a directory of
10 plain text files as its input directory. Each file is made up of 3 HDFS blocks. How many Mappers
will run?
A. We cannot say; the number of Mappers is determined by the ResourceManager
B. We cannot say; the number of Mappers is determined by the developer
C. 30
D. 3
E. 10
F. We cannot say; the number of mappers is determined by the ApplicationMaster
Answer: E

Cloudera CCA-500模擬 CCA-500関節 CCA-500講座 CCA-500書籍

NO.5 For each YARN job, the Hadoop framework generates task log file. Where are Hadoop task log
files stored?
A. Cached by the NodeManager managing the job containers, then written to a log directory on the
B. Cached in the YARN container running the task, then copied into HDFS on job completion
C. In HDFS, in the directory of the user who generates the job
D. On the local disk of the slave mode running the task
Answer: D

Cloudera学校 CCA-500 CCA-500日記 CCA-500ふりーく CCA-500番号

NO.6 Choose three reasons why should you run the HDFS balancer periodically?
A. To ensure that there is capacity in HDFS for additional data
B. To ensure that all blocks in the cluster are 128MB in size
C. To help HDFS deliver consistent performance under heavy loads
D. To ensure that there is consistent disk utilization across the DataNodes
E. To improve data locality MapReduce
Answer: D

Cloudera CCA-500認定 CCA-500難易度 CCA-500教本
NOTE: There is only one correct answer in the options for this question. Please check the following

NO.7 Your Hadoop cluster is configuring with HDFS and MapReduce version 2 (MRv2) on YARN. Can
you configure a worker node to run a NodeManager daemon but not a DataNode daemon and still
have a functional cluster?
A. Yes. The daemon will receive data from the NameNode to run Map tasks
B. Yes. The daemon will get data from another (non-local) DataNode to run Map tasks
C. Yes. The daemon will receive Map tasks only
D. Yes. The daemon will receive Reducer tasks only
Answer: A

Cloudera赤本 CCA-500 CCA-500合格率 CCA-500認定 CCA-500教科書 CCA-500過去

NO.8 You are running a Hadoop cluster with a NameNode on host mynamenode, a secondary
NameNode on host mysecondarynamenode and several DataNodes.
Which best describes how you determine when the last checkpoint happened?
A. Execute hdfs namenode -report on the command line and look at the Last Checkpoint
B. Execute hdfs dfsadmin -saveNamespace on the command line which returns to you the last
checkpoint value in fstime file
C. Connect to the web UI of the Secondary NameNode (http://mysecondary:50090/) and look at the
"Last Checkpoint" information
D. Connect to the web UI of the NameNode (http://mynamenode:50070) and look at the "Last
Checkpoint" information
Answer: B

Cloudera CCA-500 CCA-500参考書 CCA-500教育

Pass4Testは最新の1z0-599試験問題集と高品質のE20-018認定試験の問題と回答を提供します。Pass4Testの9L0-010 VCEテストエンジンとHP2-B100試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質の70-492トレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。


Posted by passfortest at 13:16Comments(0)Cloudera



Pass4Test のClouderaのDS-200問題集は最も徹底的で、最も正確で、かつアップ·ツー·デートなものです。当面の市場であなたに初めて困難を乗り越える信心を差し上げられるユニークなソフトです。ClouderaのDS-200認証試験は世界でどの国でも承認されて、すべての国が分け隔てをしないの試験です。Pass4Test のClouderaのDS-200認証証明書はあなたが自分の知識と技能を高めることに助けになれることだけでなく、さまざまな条件であなたのキャリアを助けることもできます。Pass4Test のClouderaのDS-200問題集を利用することをお勧めいたします。


試験科目:「Data Science Essentials Beta」
問題と解答:全60問 DS-200 試験問題集





NO.1 Under what two conditions does stochastic gradient descent outperform 2nd-order
optimization techniques such as iteratively reweighted least squares?
A. When the volume of input data is so large and diverse that a 2nd-order optimization technique
can be fit to a sample of the data
B. When the model's estimates must be updated in real-time in order to account for
C. When the input data can easily fit into memory on a single machine, but we want to calculate
confidence intervals for all of the parameters in the model.
D. When we are required to find the parameters that return the optimal value of the objective
Answer: A,B

Cloudera DS-200過去 DS-200会場 DS-200 DS-200学校 DS-200学校

NO.2 Refer to the exhibit.
Which point in the figure is the median?
A. A
B. B
C. C
Answer: A

Cloudera認定試験 DS-200テスト DS-200体験

NO.3 What is the result of the following command (the database username is foo and password is
$ sqoop list-tables - -connect jdbc : mysql : / / localhost/databasename - -table - - username foo
-password bar
A. sqoop lists only those tables in the specified MySql database that have not already been
imported into FDFS
B. sqoop returns an error
C. sqoop lists the available tables from the database
D. sqoopimports all the tables from SQLHDFS
Answer: C

Cloudera番号 DS-200 DS-200練習 DS-200受験記
Reference:https://www.inkling.com/read/hadoop-definitive-guide-tom-white-3rd/chapter-15 /gettin

NO.4 Refer to the exhibit.
Which point in the figure is the mode?
A. A
B. B
C. C
Answer: C

Cloudera対策 DS-200認定 DS-200認定試験

NO.5 Why should stop an interactive machine learning algorithm as soon as the performance of the
model on a test set stops improving?
A. To avoid the need for cross-validating the model
B. To prevent overfitting
C. To increase the VC (VAPNIK-Chervonenkis) dimension for the model
D. To keep the number of terms in the model as possible
E. To maintain the highest VC (Vapnik-Chervonenkis) dimension for the model
Answer: B

Cloudera書籍 DS-200対策 DS-200 DS-200認定資格 DS-200取得

NO.6 Refer to the exhibit.
Which point in the figure is the mean?
A. A
B. B
C. C
Answer: B

Cloudera認定証 DS-200一発合格 DS-200認定資格 DS-200 DS-200

NO.7 What is default delimiter for Hive tables?

Posted by passfortest at 12:48Comments(0)Cloudera







試験科目:「Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop CDH4」
問題と解答:全97問 CCA-410 参考書勉強




NO.1 Choose which best describe a Hadoop cluster's block size storage parameters once you set the
HDFS default block size to 64MB?
A. The block size of files in the cluster can be determined as the block is written.
B. The block size of files in the Cluster will all be multiples of 64MB.
C. The block size of files in the duster will all at least be 64MB.
D. The block size of files in the cluster will all be the exactly 64MB.
Answer: D

Cloudera CCA-410 CCA-410スクール

NO.2 What action occurs automatically on a cluster when a DataNode is marked as dead?
A. The NameNode forces re-replication of all the blocks which were stored on the dead DataNode.
B. The next time a client submits job that requires blocks from the dead DataNode, the JobTracker
receives no heart beats from the DataNode. The JobTracker tells the NameNode that the DataNode
is dead, which triggers block re-replication on the cluster.
C. The replication factor of the files which had blocks stored on the dead DataNode is temporarily
reduced, until the dead DataNode is recovered and returned to the cluster.
D. The NameNode informs the client which write the blocks that are no longer available; the client
then re-writes the blocks to a different DataNode.
Answer: A

Cloudera CCA-410学習 CCA-410対策 CCA-410スクール

NO.3 How does the NameNode know DataNodes are available on a cluster running MapReduce v1
A. DataNodes listed in the dfs.hosts file. The NameNode uses as the definitive list of available
B. DataNodes heartbeat in the master on a regular basis.
C. The NameNode broadcasts a heartbeat on the network on a regular basis, and DataNodes
D. The NameNode send a broadcast across the network when it first starts, and DataNodes
Answer: B

Cloudera CCA-410ふりーく CCA-410 CCA-410赤本 CCA-410認証試験

NO.4 How does HDFS Federation help HDFS Scale horizontally?
A. HDFS Federation improves the resiliency of HDFS in the face of network issues by removing the
NameNode as a single-point-of-failure.
B. HDFS Federation allows the Standby NameNode to automatically resume the services of an active
C. HDFS Federation provides cross-data center (non-local) support for HDFS, allowing a cluster
administrator to split the Block Storage outside the local cluster.
D. HDFS Federation reduces the load on any single NameNode by using the multiple, independent
NameNode to manage individual pars of the filesystem namespace.
Answer: D

Cloudera難易度 CCA-410参考書 CCA-410費用 CCA-410

NO.5 Which two updates occur when a client application opens a stream to begin a file write on a
cluster running MapReduce v1 (MRv1)?
A. Once the write stream closes on the DataNode, the DataNode immediately initiates a black
report to the NameNode.
B. The change is written to the NameNode disk.
C. The metadata in the RAM on the NameNode is flushed to disk.
D. The metadata in RAM on the NameNode is flushed disk.
E. The metadata in RAM on the NameNode is updated.
F. The change is written to the edits file.
Answer: E,F

Cloudera認証試験 CCA-410通信 CCA-410スクール CCA-410番号 CCA-410方法

NO.6 For a MapReduce job, on a cluster running MapReduce v1 (MRv1), what's the relationship
between tasks and task templates?
A. There are always at least as many task attempts as there are tasks.
B. There are always at most as many tasks attempts as there are tasks.
C. There are always exactly as many task attempts as there are tasks.
D. The developer sets the number of task attempts on job submission.
Answer: A

Cloudera番号 CCA-410 vue CCA-410

NO.7 Which three distcp features can you utilize on a Hadoop cluster?
A. Use distcp to copy files only between two clusters or more. You cannot use distcp to copy data
between directories inside the same cluster.
B. Use distcp to copy HBase table files.
C. Use distcp to copy physical blocks from the source to the target destination in your cluster.
D. Use distcp to copy data between directories inside the same cluster.
E. Use distcp to run an internal MapReduce job to copy files.
Answer: B,D,E

Cloudera番号 CCA-410ガイド CCA-410練習問題 CCA-410割引 CCA-410過去問 CCA-410試験

Pass4Testは最新のE10-110試験問題集と高品質の000-318認定試験の問題と回答を提供します。Pass4TestのHP2-B103 VCEテストエンジンとICYB試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質のC-TSCM62-65トレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。


Posted by passfortest at 10:58Comments(0)Cloudera





がネットで提供して、君が無料でダウンロードすることができます。安心に弊社の商品を選ぶとともに貴重な時間とエネルギーを節約することができる。JapanCertは真実のCloudera CCA-410認証試験の問題集が100%で君の試験の合格を保証します。君の明るい将来を祈っています。

試験科目:Cloudera 「Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop CDH4」



NO.1 How does HDFS Federation help HDFS Scale horizontally?
A. HDFS Federation improves the resiliency of HDFS in the face of network issues by removing the
NameNode as a single-point-of-failure.
B. HDFS Federation allows the Standby NameNode to automatically resume the services of an active
C. HDFS Federation provides cross-data center (non-local) support for HDFS, allowing a cluster
administrator to split the Block Storage outside the local cluster.
D. HDFS Federation reduces the load on any single NameNode by using the multiple, independent
NameNode to manage individual pars of the filesystem namespace.
Answer: D

Cloudera CCA-410過去問 CCA-410 CCA-410

NO.2 Choose which best describe a Hadoop cluster's block size storage parameters once you set the
HDFS default block size to 64MB?
A. The block size of files in the cluster can be determined as the block is written.
B. The block size of files in the Cluster will all be multiples of 64MB.
C. The block size of files in the duster will all at least be 64MB.
D. The block size of files in the cluster will all be the exactly 64MB.
Answer: D

Cloudera CCA-410認証試験 CCA-410 CCA-410

NO.3 What action occurs automatically on a cluster when a DataNode is marked as dead?
A. The NameNode forces re-replication of all the blocks which were stored on the dead DataNode.
B. The next time a client submits job that requires blocks from the dead DataNode, the JobTracker
receives no heart beats from the DataNode. The JobTracker tells the NameNode that the DataNode
is dead, which triggers block re-replication on the cluster.
C. The replication factor of the files which had blocks stored on the dead DataNode is temporarily
reduced, until the dead DataNode is recovered and returned to the cluster.
D. The NameNode informs the client which write the blocks that are no longer available; the client
then re-writes the blocks to a different DataNode.
Answer: A

Cloudera CCA-410問題集 CCA-410 CCA-410参考書 CCA-410

NO.4 For a MapReduce job, on a cluster running MapReduce v1 (MRv1), what's the relationship
between tasks and task templates?
A. There are always at least as many task attempts as there are tasks.
B. There are always at most as many tasks attempts as there are tasks.
C. There are always exactly as many task attempts as there are tasks.
D. The developer sets the number of task attempts on job submission.
Answer: A

Cloudera CCA-410 CCA-410認定証 CCA-410

NO.5 Which two updates occur when a client application opens a stream to begin a file write on a
cluster running MapReduce v1 (MRv1)?
A. Once the write stream closes on the DataNode, the DataNode immediately initiates a black
report to the NameNode.
B. The change is written to the NameNode disk.
C. The metadata in the RAM on the NameNode is flushed to disk.
D. The metadata in RAM on the NameNode is flushed disk.
E. The metadata in RAM on the NameNode is updated.
F. The change is written to the edits file.
Answer: E,F

Cloudera CCA-410 CCA-410 CCA-410参考書

NO.6 Which three distcp features can you utilize on a Hadoop cluster?
A. Use distcp to copy files only between two clusters or more. You cannot use distcp to copy data
between directories inside the same cluster.
B. Use distcp to copy HBase table files.
C. Use distcp to copy physical blocks from the source to the target destination in your cluster.
D. Use distcp to copy data between directories inside the same cluster.
E. Use distcp to run an internal MapReduce job to copy files.
Answer: B,D,E

Cloudera CCA-410 CCA-410認定資格 CCA-410認定試験

NO.7 How does the NameNode know DataNodes are available on a cluster running MapReduce v1
A. DataNodes listed in the dfs.hosts file. The NameNode uses as the definitive list of available
B. DataNodes heartbeat in the master on a regular basis.
C. The NameNode broadcasts a heartbeat on the network on a regular basis, and DataNodes
D. The NameNode send a broadcast across the network when it first starts, and DataNodes
Answer: B

Cloudera認定資格 CCA-410過去問 CCA-410問題集 CCA-410認定証

JapanCertは最新の00M-654問題集と高品質の642-980問題と回答を提供します。JapanCertのNS0-156 VCEテストエンジンとLOT-406試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質の100-101 PDFトレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。


Posted by passfortest at 12:11Comments(0)Cloudera